Wednesday, October 12, 2022

St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Colonial Beach, VA



Back in 2016, I posted about the initial phase of beautification at our mother parish.  

In the past year, this church has undergone phase 2 of that beautification.  

Wainscoting lines the sides of the church and new pews complete the nave. 

The woodwork in the sanctuary has been expanded to fill in the entire front wall to include the gorgeous new side altars and new statues.  

All the clear windows in the church now have elegant scrollwork. 

The final touch to the project are the magnificent candlesticks.  

They arrived the day after the very last TLM and Solemn High Mass at the parish. Our bishop outlawed the Traditional Latin Mass except at 8 "designated locations."

St Elizabeth is not one of them.

The large wooden crucifix and the Agnus Dei on the altar are from the original 1905 church. 

The very modern brick and wood communion rail was replaced by this lovely wooden one --- with gates!

From 2018 until Sept 8, 2022 St Elizabeth's had a weekly Spanish TLM at 11:00 am and 
daily TLM's on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 am.

May the ancient liturgy once more be offered publicly in this lovely church someday soon!

Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies be scattered, and let
 those that hate Thee flee from before Thy Face!

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