Saturday, November 19, 2016

St Elizabeth of Hungary in Colonial Beach, VA

Under the current pastor, this small country parish has undergone a transformation!  Although the parish is over 100 years old, the current church was built in the 1960's.  Since this blog is dedicated to beauty, I cannot show what it looked like before.  The most recent change is the gorgeous new altar and stained glass window that was put in this summer. 

New altar

The center portion of the stained glass window picturing the Decent of the Holy Ghost was saved from the original church and incorporated into the current church when it was built.  However it was surrounded by a ghastly green glass all around it over the altar.  In this new window, the Descent is incorporated into a new larger scene and the results are spectacular!

Ready for a Traditional Latin Mass

St Elizabeth of Hungary statue

The exterior of the church was transformed a few years ago.  It now looks like a lovely country church. 

New exterior

Although this parish does not have a regular TLM, the pastor offers a weekly Sunday Mass, Thursday Mass and occasional feast days at the mission church of St Anthony in King George, VA which is under St Elizabeth.  However occasionally there is a TLM here for special feasts.  

Since 2014, this parish has the distinction of being the first one in the Arlington Diocese to offer the Traditional Holy Thursday and Good Friday according to the 1962 Liturgical Books since 1970! 

St Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church 
Colonial Beach, VA 

St Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for us!

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