Tuesday, August 30, 2016

St John the Apostle in Leesburg, VA

 The altar in this church has an interesting story.  St John's just built this new church a few years ago, but it obtained the magnificent altar from a church in New Jersey which had been closed for years.  It has been made into an altar of repose for this diocesan parish.

Altar of Repose

Side chapel to the Sacred Heart

Old altar in new church

 In June 2014, two priest from the Fraternity of St Peter where ordained here.   It was a glorious Traditional Ordination with an exquisite choir!

During Ordination of two Fraternity priests

St John the Apostle 
Leesburg, VA 

St John, pray for us!

Monday, August 29, 2016

St John the Baptist in Johnsburg, WI

Main and side altars

Beautiful old church 
 This church is in a section of Wisconsin called the Holyland because starting in the 1830s Catholic German immigrants came and settled here.  There are several small towns, and each centered around its beautiful church.  As you can see, it also has its own cemetary.

Unfortunately today due to the devastation of the faith in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Mass attendance is so low that this is now a mission church of the combined parishes in Fond du Lac, WI.  Thankfully it has been made an historic landmark so that it cannot be gutted as so many churches in Wisconsin have been.  

St John the Baptist 
Johnsburg, WI

St John the Baptist, pray for us!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Christ the King chapel, Part 2

When this chapel was built in 1994, Christendom College was able to rescue the church furnishings and stained glass windows from the historic Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Winchester, VA when they built their new modern (ie: ugly) church.  What a blessing for the college! 

Main altar and side altars

Side altar in honor of St Joseph

Lovely statue of our Blessed Mother

Stations of the Cross

Gorgeous stained glass windows

Christ the King chapel 
Christendom College 
Front Royal, VA

Christ our King, have mercy on us!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Christ the King chapel at Christendom College

Altar with adoring angels

View from choir loft

Stained glass window above the High Altar

Close-up of High Altar

Christ the King Chapel 
Christendom College 
Front Royal, VA 

Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat!

Friday, August 26, 2016

St Francis de Sales in Georgetown, KY

This church dates back to the early 1800's and is one of the oldest churches in Kentucky.   It is on the National Historic Register.  

Historic Main Altar

Unique choir loft with curved stairs

Stations of the Cross

This country church is in the care of the Fraternity of St Peter by the TLM community at St Peter in Lexington, KY which is not too far away.  They have a Sunday TLM at 10:00 AM.

St Francis de Sales 
Georgetown, KY

St Francis de Sales, pray for us!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

St Peter in Lexington, KY

Main Altar

This is a parish of the Fraternity of St Peter.   There is a daily TLM.

Sunday Mass at 4:00 PM

St Peter 
Lexington, KY

St Peter, pray for us!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Church of the Assumption in Nashville, TN

Main Altar


This parish has a Traditional Latin High Mass every Sunday at 8:30 AM!

Church of the Assumption 
Nashville, TN 

Queen conceived without original sin, 
pray for us!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Monday, August 22, 2016

St Mary of the Angels, Part 6

This will be our final post on St Mary of the Angels.  You must be wondering what the church looks like on the outside.

St Mary of the Angels in Chicago, IL
This glorious church can be seen from the interstate 1-90/94 and dominates the surrounding buildings.  The white statues are angels all around the top. 

Inside the great dome seen in the picture above.

The Sanctuary and the Communion Rail

Stained glass windows along side the pews
The smaller stained glass windows along the side aisles are actually the Stations of the Cross. 

Stations of the Cross . . . in Polish!

One last look at the Main Altar

St Mary of the Angels 
Chicago, IL

Immaculate Heart of Mary, 
pray for us!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

St Mary of the Angels, Part 5

Side Altar of St Anne

Side view of church as seen near St Anne's altar

Side altar of Our Lady of Guadalupe under the Rose Window in picture above

Side altar of Our Lady of Perpetual Help opposite the altar above

St Mary of the Angels 
Chicago, IL 

St Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 
pray for us!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

St Mary of the Angels, Part 4

Side Altar to the left of the Main Altar 

Choir loft and organ

St Mary of the Angels
Chicago, IL

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

St Mary of the Angels, Part 3

Side altar to Our Lady

Wider view of side altars to St Joseph and Our Lady

St Mary of the Angels 
Chicago, IL

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you. Save souls.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

St Hyacinth in Chicago, IL

I was planning to post more pictures from St Mary of the Angels today, but when I looked at the Liturgical Calendar this morning I saw that it is the feast of St Hyacinth.  My family just recently visited the church of St Hyacinth in Chicago, so I will give you a sneak peek with more pictures to come in the future. 

High Altar

This church is absolutely breathtaking! 

St Hyacinth Basilica
Chicago, IL

St Hyacinth, pray for us!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

St Mary of the Angels, Part 2

In honor of St Joachim, the father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose feast is today, 
we will show more pictures from St Mary of the Angels.   

Side altar in honor of St Joseph

Side aisle to the back of the church. . .

. . . leading to this beautiful statue.

St Joachim, pray for us!

Monday, August 15, 2016

St Mary of the Angels

On this great Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the debut of this blog will feature the exquisite church, St Mary of the Angels in Chicago, Illinois.

Main view of church

Over the High Altar

Gorgeous High Altar and Communion Rail


St Mary of the Angels 
Chicago, IL 

Queen assumed into Heaven, 
Pray for us!